5 Reasons to Invest in a Coin Laundry Business

malaysia reasons invest coin laundry business

1. Increasing Demands

It is a high rising trend and convenience for residences and busy schedule people. High-rise buildings doesn’t give much space for drying racks and washing machine and people that has business schedule doesn’t have time to do their laundry.

The minimal space for high-rise buildings doesn’t give enough space for proper laundry equipment and minimal drying area. Even if there are space, not many people would own a dryer which could help them save time but not electricity.
People that have busy schedules like business men and women do not have time to wash, dry and fold their clothes. Hence the increasing demand for laundromat which offers them convenience and save their time like drop-off and pick-up services.

2. Non-seasonal and no inventory business

Laundromat doesn’t rely on the weather or latest trends. Most laundromat has a steady flow of customers during their opening hours. There’s no perishable goods or any sellable product involve, because all you need is washing machines, dryers and benches. There’s an option of recommendation to even own vending machines or television for entertainment while people are waiting for their laundry to be done.

3. Transaction

It is a trending payment method to pay everything through your mobile phones, but certain people would still prefer the old school way of using coins for laundry. It is a very convenient way of maintaining your services with minimal fear of missing cash or chasing customers for payments.

4. Low economy risk

In this modern living lifestyle, time is precious. You will have a higher survival rate in this business line compared to other businesses with higher risk of closing down or losing business. As long as you have good services and well maintained machines and environment, your customers will keep coming back because of how good you are.

5. Minimal labour requirement

As mostly everything is self-service, there’s no need to employ many workers for various particular position. All you need is a supervisor to supervise everything that is going on in the laundromat, as there’s no need to collect any cash in hand.

If you have thought of having a drop-off and pick-up laundry service, payment could be easily done using mobile phones or even member card since in this century, everything is based on technology.