Invest in Coin Laundry. Reliable investment opportunity!

learn how start coin laundry shop malaysia

As clean clothes are necessity, people would spend to get their clothes clean. Even travellers take advantage of going to a laundromat to have their clothes clean and travel around with ease.

Laundromat is a kind of service business where there’s not much need to employ more than a few labour workers. This kind of business keeps the cash flow going despites the economy. Treating your customers well will have a higher chance of them wanting to return to your store.

In this century, everything has started to rely on technology. Most commercial stores or vending machine operated stores are using Apps or PayWave Cards to allow customers to pay for their goods and/or services. It is also a very convenient way of keeping track on your cash flow.

Laundromat’s owner must always consider to give the best for their customers, having well-conditioned environment and well maintained machines for customers to use. There’s a lot of aspect to consider for your customer needs, by using feedbacks from your customer you can know their preferences or recommendations. The most important and must consider part about owning a laundromat is these few points below :

  • Opening Hours is very important to be considered. Busy scheduled people would usually have their scheduled too packed and considering the traffic hours would give them stress to arrive at the laundromat on time to settle their clothes.
  • When it comes to services, it must always be inconsideration of the well-being of their customer – like the cleanliness of the environment and machine that would not suddenly break down, entertainment or snacks to enjoy during their wait. If there are customers that would prefer to drop-off service, they clothes would be wash and folded well without any crumple.
  • Maintenance of the place must always be clean, comfortable and convenient (stable and usable machines).
  • Labour cost is minimal and easier to find as there is no need to get a specific professionally trained skilled workers to maintain the services and the condition of the laundromat.

    There are also high recommended things to have for the laundromats, such as, vending machines, television and other entertainments.

    As for customers all they need is a clean and well maintained place. It is very crucial that they can be comfortable when they are doing their laundry. There are two types of customers – self-serve or full serve customer. The ones whom does their own laundry usually are the self-serve customers that would be spending time doing their laundry while waiting in the laundromat. Since it takes time to get their laundry done, why not give them some entertainment and snacks?

    Time is very precious nowadays, busy scheduled people would want to save time, these customers would usually be full serve customers. Special laundromats offers time-saving convenience like drop-off and pick-up service. Such service includes in wash-and-fold and dry-cleaning service would help them and also save time.

    If you are interesting in owning a laundromat, all you need to do is to have enough research about the business by talking to the laundry owners, joining associations and reading the trade literature.